Lonely but Happy go LUCKY

tat is me..
a 100% truth n honest me..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


i noe i have a lot of assignment.. i oso very worry..
but.. i stillcan relax je.. play games.. watch movie... n sleep...
i still can play facebook !!! My GoD....
who can help me... i wanna be myself... but i cant le...
i wanna be tough.. be hardworking... be strong...
But... can i?? Can i be??
Sian... n BORE...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Assignment !!!

Stupid assignments.... why we must do so so so many assignment!!!
For at?? for education?? for ourself?? or for graduated only...
SIAN !!! So have to force myself to do lo... T.T

Friday, August 20, 2010

21 Aug 2010

My laptop finally bek to me after traveling to FACTORY about 2 weeks...
Hahaha... ^o^

Saturday, August 7, 2010

8th Aug 2010

6th AUG 2010..

tis day... is CCTAN brithday.. after the class (Hamzah's MT class) , we go to cerebrate at De'Ori 933.. tat is a place 4 kala-OK... we are 4 brothers n CCL..

We have the lunch at KFC.. erm... I be the host.. pay the bill 1st.. till now i oso dint take bek the $ yet.. Haha.. ^^ we have some fun there.. eating chicken..

Have the Kala-OK time from 2pm till 7pm.. sing 到笑!! Walau A long time n so tired after tat...
But i have a lot of fun n memories there.. I and Chooi Lee.. do nothing but have something... ^^
We sing a lot n about 4pm, the junior come.. about 6 ppl.. but they so shy.. dint sing so much..
But they oso have to pay for it.. About RM14.. pity them.. T.T ..
After the golden time.. I and Chooi lee bek to the maktab... jus we two nia.. Caz CCT n WKT they all have the Amway house meeting.. So we alone le.. we manage bek to maktab by the bus.. tat is the last.. Thanks GOD !!

Have the dinner v bread.. play dota .. watch movie.. (sweet heart) then it the time to sleep le..
Today i play happily n so enjoy...

7th AUG 2010

today, i wake up late le.. i though have to go to Buddhist class de.. But finally the class is cancel le.. so i continue do nothing..

Hehe.. chooi lee cook the lunch 4 me.. i so happy n so pound of her.. the lunch so tasty n i so long time dint eat the bean le.. got sikit TERHARU..

Afternoon time.. tired n sleep till 7pm.. !!!! so wasting time !! I sleep n sleep today..
The night time.. watching the sweet heart n i have finish it le..
The movie have a so toughing view.. n i almost cry out tat time.. jus once nia.. not much!!
Haiz.. =='' tis is my Saturday... after tat YC bek to room le n we have boys talk in CCT room..
We have so many fun there.. i eat the hotdog n play with the hotdog.. play it like the 鸡鸡..

Haha.. ^^ nice.. then i bek to room n have my dota till 3am.. Sleep le.. ==zZ..

8th AUG 2010

Today i wakeup late oso.. about 11am.. the 1st thing i do is writing my blog.. 3 days de blogs... so long n so memorable...
Now wanna mandi n brush my smelly teeth le.. :=)

afternoon go to B.P. mall to buy something.. n do the Hamzah assignment.. At B.P. mall..
queue uo for taking out the $$ from ATM...
Watkao.. wait so lo9ng time.. wait till my leg sour n pain... caza today is sunday.. The bank not open.. so the money of some ATM is empty le.. SIAN.. ==!!
Wait n wait.. the ''Wao Lao'' so pro.. one ppl take dunnoe how many cards.. n 1 ppl queue, 5 ppl take money!!!
Wat ''wao lao'' lai de!!! so rude n so 'clever' de... memang is ''wao lao''...

Then after taking money.. find the thing for the assignment... walk until like the leg step on the lemons... so sour n so pain.. Dunnoe how the gurls can shopping for hours but cant jog for 2km..
==''' O.O!!

After buying the needs, CCTan n me find for our clothes.. today got the promotion at B.P. mall..
Find for nothing... no pretty clothes le.. Sian.. Haiz... ==??

Afternoon.. 5.30 go for exercise... play volley ball.. chooi lee oso got go.. We play till 7.30..
So late le... bek to room.. dinner while watching movie.. bath...

And now wanna do homework le..

1.30 am le.. wanna sleep le.. jusnow baru phone my Lili... she is fine after the exercise...
she still can laugh.. n i may be no need worry too much le...

Sleep le.... ==zZ...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

心理测验 on 5th Aug 2010

Today, i have done a lot of 心理测验.. n these are all my today's 心理测验.. ^^v

Jin Yong 關於你一生的秘密!

D 純樸的鄉間小鎮------------------------------D你不是故作清高,也並非是家中有吃喝不盡的金山銀庫,只是因為自己不懂也 不喜歡去和別人爭名奪利,所以在商場上總見不到你衝鋒陷陣。你寧願按照常規來做事,把一分一毫賺來的血汗錢,存到銀行去慢慢生利息,或許那是一種很慢的生 財途徑,可是你認為生活得自在平實最重要,至少不必隨股票玩那會讓人得心臟病的雲霄飛車。

Jin Yong 喜歡的顏色,測出你隱藏的性格

喜 歡藍色的人是個很有理性的人。面對問題常常臨危不亂,在起衝突時總是默默將事情化解,等到該與以反擊時,一定會以很漂亮的手段讓人折服。乍看之下應該人緣 不錯,不過卻不擅與人交際,所以只和志同道合的朋友自組一個小團體。常因堅持崇高的信念而受人尊敬。絕對的堅持己見,對旁人的意見欠缺採納的雅量,所以與 人意見相左時,雖然表面上不會顯露出任何不悅,但其實心裡很介意 。

Jin Yong 你能帶給愛人多少安全感


Jin Yong 你對愛情有多忠貞?

不 能說你不忠貞,因為你忠於的是愛情,而不是忠於那個能讓你有愛情感覺的人。人可以更換,但對愛情的期盼你不會改變。當你感覺不到激情時,當你發現自己對對 方的感情已不再濃烈,或發現有更能點燃你激情的人時,你的忠貞便會嘎然而止,同時也會重新啟動,只是那位忠貞的對象已變換。

Jin Yong 情人心中你排第幾位?


Jin Yong 心深處,你欠缺著什麼?

選這個的都是天才,因為我會選這個,哈哈哈~ 這類型的人非常綜合,或許每個都欠缺,但也不是那麼缺,想必你過得很好,但也非那麼好,至少不是貧民窟出生的拉! 天才,可以畢業了。

Jin Yong 根據你的出生日期可以看出你什麼脾氣

早 熟善感,富有個性與創意,獨特的思維模式讓你顯得神秘與吸引力。文藝方面具有相當的天份,希望在旅遊中找尋人生的真諦與靈魂的意義,流動式的生存方式,也 是你向往且擅長的,因此如果硬要把自已綁在一個固定的範圍之內,你可能會感到有挫折感,「留在固定模式的框框」裏,會埋沒了你的才能!

Jin Yong 根據你的出生日期可以看出你什麼脾氣


Jin Yong 超準2010 星座運程

寶 瓶座的人,2010年的工作、念書環境(或生活環境),以及周遭的人事,原來的做事方式,作息習慣等,有重大的改變。2010年很多事物對寶瓶座的來說是 新的經驗,你需要時間學習,適應。改變的可能原因,包括新工作(新學校),搬遷(你或親近的人),新的職務,轉換跑道,成家生子等,而且環境一經改變後, 要再重回過去是不太可能。 2010/4-7月間,你有人際上的困擾,跟某人會漸行漸遠,原本你們是常互動的。新的體驗,新的人際關系除了出現在2010年,也會在2011年發生, 這一兩年是你人生經歷變化很大的兩年,有關2011年的部分,留待...來年再詳解。 2010年(2009/9月到2010/11月)寶瓶座運勢較好的月份是,2010/2月,3月,8月,10月。運勢較差的月份是,2009/12月,2010/1月,4月,5月,6月,7月。

5th Aug 2010

Today morning no class. the class start the class at 2pm..
so i can sleep late.. after breakfast then go to class le...
Erm.. learn nothing in class la.. caz all I dun understand..
After class is aredy 4pm le.. on9.. change cloth 4 birthday party...
Then go to meet meeting le...
after meeting is aredy 6.30 pm le.. rush to the party by car..

Today is Kong Zi Yan brithday.. we have our dinner at Yong Chi.. a place to eat steamboat..
We enjoy there.. we eat happily n take picture happily.. I go by taxi but bek by Hui Shan car..
Erm.. i shy n dun wan talk much in the car caz i ate garlic there.. i scare the whole car will BUSUK !!
N i thgink they dun like tis smell.. so i try hard to keep quite n talk litter nia..
HAIZ... >_<''

Bek to maktab.. buy something to eat.. caz jusnow i not full...
N i buy a roll of bread 4 next few days... On9 for nothing till now..
Ou... i jusnow go to block meeting le.. the function of change jawatan..

Haha.. ^^ 12am le... Dong.. Dong.. Dong.. Chee Cung birthday...
Erm.. we 4 brothers and the juniors... @0 ppl in a room to cerebrate Tan Chee Cung birthday..
We yalk happily n talk nonsense la.. till 2 am... then i download the songs till 5am..

WAlau A... so GenG la me... now i have download so many song le.. ^^

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


是需要有很大的勇氣.. 和演技..

让你不会担心.. 伤心..

得到100%的爱.. 得到梦想中的爱

让你有更多交友的机会.. 善待自己的机会..

深愛你的男人.. 在沖你發火唠叨

还得面对笑容地.. 忍气吞声地.. 听你唠叨


她的任性 她的壞脾氣




但还是学者不知道.. 等待及期盼奇迹..


因為他不会像你们一样的感性... 他吃会理性..





不要讓愛你的他/她流淚.. 流血..

不要讓他/她傷心.. 担心...

因為男人与女人一样... 有时一旦真愛了,失去了愛著的人
就意味著失去了整個世界... 他/她的全部..

男孩子20左右的時候是他最有拼劲的日子,這時他什麼都沒有,但他勇于面对及尝试.. 用语中跌倒中爬起,吸取经验.. 从而进步,朝向他完美的人生他伤鉴定及未知的下一步。
走過,走下去.. 那幸福将永远跟随。
祝世上的有情人们.... 幸福下去!!! ^^v

4th Aug 2010

last night... i sleep at 2 o'clock..
Erm.. wat i doing ar... let me think.. erm... erm... forgot le...
Conclusion i sleep 2 o'clock la...

Today, i wake myself lagi... HAHA... ^^v
I can wake myself le... tis have to thank the ppl i think in my mind to wake me up...
She call me Da Lang.. Da Lang... After tat go to class.. Mr. latif give us the assignment dy...
Then go to BC class.. I think i give lecturer a good modal.. I think she like me than b4 lo..
I mean she never noe me b4.. Today she 1st time see me in class..

Afternoon.. after lunch. i prepare the presentation de thing...
Then 3 o'clock go class... n class... The basic math class is very enjoy..
but 4 me... i think tat no good n it a bad altitude in class... talk to lecturer like talk to frenz...
Tis maybe have to see 1st.. may be the lecturer dint think any thing bad bout our class..

Then is BC class... i go to buy some thing eat b4 i enter the class.. the food is delicious...
It oso very spicy.. n i had sweat badly after eating...
The BC lecturer oso like me so much... she call me sit in front caz me so handsome...
Actually i so talkative la... HAHA... ^^

Dinner eat the chocolate pau n the bugger... then watching movie... Sweet heart...
It so nice.. n i learn n think a lot after the movie.. i have learn something le...
I think of chooi lee.. when the movie is on.. It a love story so automatically i think of her de lo...

Now.. wanna do homework le...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

4th Aug 2010

today do nothing...
morning wake up myself.. ^^
then go for the function...
after tat see the pameran till 1pm...
after lunch, play games n then go for exercise... play volley ball n basket ball..
then dinner... play dota... Wating time... n now i am bek le... n now 12.45 le..

Monday, August 2, 2010

2nd Aug 2010

haha... today i wake sendiri leh.. ahout 7am i wake le...
Haiz.. today morning so boring n so wasted...
sit down there n listen to nothing n do nothing... 11am baru can leafe the hall..
Eat 'lunch' n bek to room.. edit my phone memories... go class at 2pm.... (lim math)
Walau... i fall asleep after eating my dinner while watching movie...
Ou.. soli soli.. wrong dy... is i fall asleep from 4.45 till dinner time cos waiting the time to do exercise... Sian dao.. == today dint do exercise...
Wake up n have the dinner while watching movie...
then go to bilik rekreasi at 9pm.. bath.. n on he FB..
My BC poem..
我坐椅子你坐地, 我吃鸡肉你吃皮。

then.. phone my darling... n now wanna do some works le... OFF the computer.. ^^

Sunday, August 1, 2010

1th AUG 2010

Last night.. i 熬夜了... jus scare cant wake up on time... n will miss my promise to fairy sis...
So.. i force myself to stay fresh.. do MATH.. play Dota.. listen to FM..
the rain is heavy n so cold... My leg is pain.. May be is too cold le n may be is I jus drink a lot of TEH-O... dunnoe why my leg will pain.. x_x''

Do math until cant tahan le... rest awhile.. still raining heavily... n cold...
7.30 am still raining... so the volley ball cancel le.. n I finally can sleep well le...
Sleep till 12pm.. Have the lunch until the stomach is full..
Play dota... Do Lim's assignment... while waiting my darling come bek to maktab...
4.30 de bus.. n reach 6pm... Have the dinner together.. n 2 guys lagi.. ^o^ haha.. as the bulb..
Play dota gok... n ON my FB... comment here n there...
Now the time to study le... $u$